Application Ranges and Heating Method of Rotary Dryer

29/09/2013 Return

A rotary dryer is a device that uses rotation, gravity and warm gasses to dry a material. These driers range from small household clothes dryers to large industrial systems. Regardless of their size, the majority of rotary dryers work the same way. A drum rotates and moves material while hot gasses quickly dry it out.

There are several different gasses used in rotary dryers. In commercial or industrial dryers, nearly any gas can be used, but the more common ones are exhaust fumes and various inert gasses. In these dryers, the main concern is possible contamination of the work material and the maximum heat of the used gas.

The directly heated rotary dryer operates on the principle of lifting and showering the product through a hot gas stream moving either in parallel or counter-flow. In the indirect dryer, which is more suited to fine and dusty materials, there is little or no contact between the product and the drying gases since they are heated from the outside, via a stationary jacket fitted with either multiple burners or other external heat source.

For greater thermal efficiency and where inertisation is required, recycling of exhaust gases can be used. This can be implemented on all our airstream drying systems and retrofitted on customer's existing drying operations.

Rotary dryers are suitable for a wide variety of products, ranging from granular, powdered and crystalline materials, through to filter cakes and sludges for the food, chemical and mineral industries. Rotary coolers are either of the counter-flow cascade type, for coarse and granular materials or are indirectly water cooled for fine and dusty products. Rotary calciners may be of the direct-fired refractory lined or unlined type, or indirectly heated in the same way as the dryers.

Prev:The Use and Maintenance of Crawler-type Mobile Crushing Station
